Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Personalities and Parades

We're almost there!  This is our last week to spend together as a family of four!  I have been cuddling my babies a little closer, spending a little more time snuggling, and a little less time out of the house.  I don't say it enough, but I am so blessed to have these girls.  They are the SWEETEST, most loving babies!  It just melts my heart to see them hugging and kissing one another.  Caroline adores her big sister, and to see her cuddle up with her and rest her head on her shoulder just brings tears to my eyes.  I know that love will only multiply when our newest member arrives!
See what I mean?  I just love them so much!
No matter how big she gets, she is still our baby!

I thought it would be a fun idea to write a little description about each of our girls before the new baby comes along.  If I had to pick a recent photo to capture their personalities, I think these would do...
This comes as a surprise to no one, I'm sure.  Olivia is USUALLY dressed in costume, at least partially.  The photo above was taken as we were leaving the library.  Yes, those are "glass slippers".  Everyone in the library greeted her by saying, "Well, hello Cinderella!".  Olivia's reply was, "I'm actually not Cinderella.  I'm Belle."  That morning while we were getting ready she wanted to wear her Belle dress, but it was at Grandoo's house.  After a minor meltdown she decided she would wear whatever costume she could find, and just imagine that it was Belle's dress, and everyone would automatically know that she was Belle.  When we left the library, those who had greeted us on the way in remembered that she was Belle and said, "Goodbye, Belle!".  She was thrilled.  She led the way to the car talking to herself about things only a princess would understand.  This is typical 3 year old Olivia.  She lives in her own world.  Those who surround her are merely characters in her story.  It is a joy to have a child with such a vivid imagination.  She has the ability to create her own world.  Olivia's personality is larger than life.  Her voice is always the loudest, her laugh always the most theatrical, her attitude... Well, her attitude is ALWAYS the biggest.  Even though I get tired of playing along with a new fairy tale each day, I can only imagine where her mind will take her in the future.  I am so excited to see what path life leads her down!  She is bigger and better than I ever could have dreamed she would be.

This is a side of Caroline that we know very well in our house, but others don't always have the privilege of seeing.  Caroline has the funniest personality out of anyone in our home.  She is the silliest, goofiest little thing and she is always trying to get a laugh.  Her face is so expressive!  When we are out and about, people always compliment what a good baby she is, how quiet she is.  I usually just nod and say, "Oh, yes.  She sure is!".  They have no idea.  They probably wouldn't believe me if I said what REALLY goes on.  Caroline is wild woman.  When we are in the comfort of our own home she jumps off of furniture, she climbs into chairs, she squeals louder than any other baby I have ever heard.  In the last 24 hours she has injured herself by trying to RIDE a barbie car (no, not the power wheels kind.  The kind that Barbie herself drives.), she has taken bites out of a foam crown.  She has fallen out of a stroller meant for a baby doll.  And as pictured above, she has been sitting in a baby doll's car seat carrier.  She does it all for laughs!  And boy, do we ever laugh..  She has brought more laughter to our house in the last year than I ever could have imagined.  I seriously don't know what life was like before Caroline.  She has the ability to make anyone smile, no matter what is going wrong with their day.  On another note, she can go from silly and crazy one moment to needing to be held and loved the next.  She holds those little arms out and bats her eyelashes at you, as if saying, "Please hold me!", and she just snuggles right in.  She's a perfect balance.  I don't know what we ever did without her!  It is so hard to imagine what direction life will take her in because I know over the next couple of years her personality will continue to change.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for her!  

I also wanted to share pictures from the Fair Parade yesterday!  We picked Gavin up from school and came home to have an early dinner first, then headed to save our spot for the parade.  Gavin was so tired from school and not really loving sitting and waiting, but once they heard the fire trucks they were all standing on the curb, ready for candy!  They had a great time and it was so much fun watching them! Gavin said his favorite part was the monster truck, and Olivia said her favorite part was the band.  They are so funny!  
 The boredom waiting on the parade... It's so tough being a kid!
 Even Caroline loved the parade!  She was clapping and kicking her feet with the band :)
 This was their expression when the fire truck went by... A little too loud perhaps.
Olivia was clapping and Gavin was waiting for someone with candy.  The band did not impress him.  The monster truck on the other hand, TOTALLY different story!  I wish I would have snapped a picture of that!

Thanks for reading our blog!  We will keep you posted on baby details!  :)

Love, Maegan

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