Thursday, September 6, 2012

Doctor Drama...

Want to know the quickest way to send a pregnant woman into panic mode?  Wait until she is 9 months pregnant and force her to switch delivering doctors!  Aghhhhh!  Yes.  This truly happened.  A couple of days ago, I got a call from our OB's office saying that my doctor wouldn't be able to see me because he was out with knee surgery.  It is unfortunate, and I was freaking out, but it has all worked out for the best.  We met with our new doctor today, and I feel very confident that he will do just as good as our previous doctor.  I am excited to say that we will have our second and last office visit with him next week, and the following week it will be baby time!  I can't believe that the end is nearly here.  As huge and as miserable as I am, it is still bittersweet.  It is the end of a new phase and the beginning of another.  All prayers for a healthy baby and mommy are appreciated!  Caroline had a short NICU stay as a newborn, so I am really hoping and praying that this baby won't have to.
Bags are packed!

In all the chaos of switching doctors and REALIZING that the birth of our baby is nearing, I figured I had better get started on my fall decorating.   I know, I know..  It's a little early!  In my defense, my sister-in-law has already started her decorating, so that gives me permission!  I'll post pics once I get everything finished.  It is starting to look like fall around here, (have I mentioned that it's 95 degrees?) at least on the inside.  :)  This is the most exciting time of year for me!  This year we will have fall parties and a field trip to the pumpkin patch with Olivia's friends from the co-op, then trick-or-treating, followed by Thanksgiving, AND Christmas!  I am already looking forward to Black Friday shopping... There is nothing better.  Anyway, that's all for today.  I wanted to share a picture of us this time last year, welcoming Caroline into our family.  It won't be long and we'll have another one to post!

Love, Maegan


  1. Ahh...I would be freaking out if I would have switched docs so close to the delivery but it sounds like everythin worked out. I am getting so pumped for fall/winter too. I am starting to thnk about Halloween costumes but I am sure I will have no say and he will be a super hero of some sort.

  2. I figured he would be a superhero! Olivia wants to be a skunk and Caroline is going to be a lion. This is the first year Olivia has been 100% on what she wants to be, with no help from me. I mean, a skunk wouldn't be MY first choice but she's very excited about it!
