Friday, August 23, 2013

Caroline Turns Two (Part 2)

Yesterday, our sweet Caroline Elizabeth had her second birthday!  Nathan was out of town Wednesday night so she was missing her daddy and a little off her schedule.  She woke up at 4:15 a.m. ready for food (her exact words were, "I eat NOW, Mommy!").  We went downstairs for a little snack (string cheese and a cup of milk) and I was HOPING I could get her back to sleep for a little while but that didn't happen.  She was content to watch cartoons in my bed so I could rest a little longer, so that helped!  We got up and started our day around 5:45 a.m. and I made ham and scrambled eggs for breakfast.  She was very excited-- the girl LOVES breakfast food!  Caroline loves dressing up lately, so after breakfast the girls picked out some dress up outfits and danced to princess music.  These two just crack me up!

 (Yes, that is a fireplace tool that she is using for both a flute AND a guitar)

After the dress-up party, we had a quick lunch and naps.  After naps, we spent time coloring, just us girls!

Nathan got home early enough so that we could watch our big two year old open her gifts!  She loved her little gifts and it was so much fun watching her excitement.  
 Three gifts for the birthday girl!
 And one gift for the big sister!
 Olivia got a little beaver family that she has been dying for (weird, I KNOW.)
WHAT?!?!  Elmo?!  Is that you? 
 "I love you, Elmo!"

 Opening her gift from Olivia, Elmo coloring books, markers, and 2 Sesame Street books

 Finally, a puppy on a leash!

 Taking her puppy on a walk, ELMO IN TOW!

 After opening her gifts, Grand-dad and Grandoo came over to watch Olivia and Ellie so we could take Caroline on a date!  We had dinner at Chick-Fil-A (she got chicken nuggets, waffle fries, and a chocolate milk).  We had the best time!  We came home for cupcakes and to sing Happy Birthday to our little girl!


 Is this face BEAUTIFUL or what?!

 Opening Grand-dad and Grandoo's gift!

 How adorable is this?!

 Little sister checking out the tissue paper!
 Daddy brought Bobby Banana home from the food show.  He has always been a favorite around here!!!

The last gift opened of the night was Olivia's present she made for her sister.  Inside the box was a binky (one that Caroline already OWNED) and a bracelet made out of a pipe cleaner and beads.  LOL!  I think it made her day! :)

We are so SO thankful for our baby girl!  She has lit up our lives in so many ways that we never could have imagined.  Hope you enjoyed the update!
