Monday, December 17, 2012

'Tis the Season!

I cannot believe that it has been TWO months since I last updated.  I am sure the lack of posts speaks for itself, but life with three little ones is so much busier than it was with two!  I will write a post soon of all of the special newborn moments we have had and all of the details of Ellie joining our family, but for now I wanted to share some recent holiday moments.

Here is our family of five!  This was Thanksgiving Day at Mamaw & Papaw's house

Olivia is SO excited about Santa this year.  She is really old enough to understand the whole concept and we are involving her in as much as possible.  She understands the spirit of Santa and what it means.  A couple of weeks ago, we went on a mommy and me date.  We went out for a special lunch and then to the mall to see all of the Christmas decorations.  She was not interested in seeing Santa (she already told him her wish list when we were having Christmas portraits made) but she did enjoy looking around his "North Pole" set-up at the mall.  The photographers there even gave her some treats to take home.  Our local Macy's has an area set up promoting the movie, "Yes, Virginia" so while we were in the mall we walked down to check it out.  There was a desk for children to write their letters to Santa and I snapped some cute pictures of her writing her letter to Santa.
 "Dear Santa, I want a princess bike.  Love, Olivia"
  "Bye, Mail!"

Ellie is almost 3 months old now, which is SO hard to believe.  She is such a good baby!  She is sleeping on average about 5 hours at a time during the night.  She is so content and just so lovable.  I cannot imagine life without her.  Life with three girls is VERY busy.  Even when we are at home just hanging out (which is most days) I feel so busy!  I mean, seriously...  No one eats, sleeps, goes to the bathroom, gets changed, or gets into the car unless I am assisting them in doing so.  I know as they grow and become more independent this will ease up, but for now I will take it!  We are so blessed to have our happy, healthy children so I have no complaints.  
Could she be more beautiful?!  Our sweet Eleanor Ruth :) 
This is the wild woman of the house!  

I am so happy that Christmas is nearly here.  I love making new family traditions and following through with old traditions each year.  Nathan said when he was a kid, visiting the window display at Hutson's downtown was one of his favorite things to do.  This weekend, our nephews were here for the evening and we took them all downtown to see it.  They were all amazed!  I was impressed, too...  It was so beautiful!  After visiting the window display, we drove around and looked at Christmas lights.  On the way home we stopped for a scoop of ice cream.  They all had a blast!  I am so happy that they live close enough for us to make these memories.  It always makes me miss my sister and her babies!  I wish they lived closer! :(  Of course, I would need TWO vans to take all of them on outings like these! Ha!
 How adorable is this?!

I have one last little joy I need to share from the past couple of weeks.  Two words: Swiss Colony.  Mamaw has made it a tradition to send me Swiss Colony each year since I can remember.  It goes without saying that every year we will receive something delicious.  It just doesn't feel like Christmas until it arrives!  I am so thankful for our families.  We are so blessed to have so many grandparents for our children.  Remind me that I said this a couple of weeks from now when I am opening all of the toys they've handed out as Christmas gifts.

Merry Christmas!  
Love, Maegan