Tuesday, August 7, 2012

End of Summer Changes

There are MANY changes going on in our household lately.  I think both kids are trying to prepare me for the lack of sleep that goes along with having a newborn in the house, because no one has been sleeping past 6 a.m.  I'm taking the opportunity to use this to get us on an earlier schedule.  Earlier bedtimes, earlier wake times, earlier nap times!  Gavin (our nephew) starts kindergarten this year and we will be picking him up from school, so this schedule will fit our needs for the year.  I am looking forward to having a school-age kid in the house.  I just love seeing all those papers and notes from teachers!  That is definitely something we would be missing if we decided to homeschool during the elementary years but we do have Gavin to share those things with us.  Last week, we signed Olivia up for a few classes with the SEMO Homeschoolers.  It is a co-op that offers elective classes for children who are being primarily homeschooled.  Obviously, she is just in the Pre-K phase of this but I think joining for the year will give us an idea if this is something that our family wants to pursue.  As of right now, she is signed up for Fun Fitness, Reading Alive, and Colors and Shapes.  It was VERY affordable, so that's a bonus.  It is a volunteer-based program, so we will see how volunteering with two babies will go!  Classes start the end of August, so hopefully that will give us a little time to settle into a routine before baby #3 arrives.  I am really looking forward to seeing Olivia grow as a student.  We have been off of our preschool routine the last few weeks, but started back this morning.  She amazes me at how well she retains information!  I think she will be reading by next summer.

Olivia and her friend, Ethan at the Osage Center

Another new change that is definitely worth noting is that Caroline has been walking on her own this morning!  She has been taking a few steps here and there, but today is the first day I have seen her really take off on her own.  She definitely isn't afraid of anything.  She has been jumping off of furniture and climbing onto things for months.  She is a wild child!  She has several fading bumps and bruises on her forehead from the new hardwood floors.  She also still likes to explore under the kitchen table, but she hasn't quite figured out she's too tall!  In the last several weeks, both kids have had doctor visits and Caroline is 19lbs and Olivia is 37 lbs.  It is hard to believe that they are so big!  All of Caroline's growing must have worn her out, because she has had a hard time staying awake at the table :)

Such a sleepy girl!

Aside from getting ready for the new baby, we have also been getting ready for Caroline's first birthday!  I am just so excited about this.  My husband would tell you I get way too excited over birthdays and holidays. I am already thinking about Halloween and Christmas, but we won't get into that now.  Caroline is having a John Deere themed birthday party!  We are having it outside, EVEN though it will be a million degrees.  Olivia's birthday is in January so this is the first outdoor party I have ever got to plan, so we're taking advantage of it.  Of course, if there is bad weather or a heat advisory we will have to move it indoors.  My parents have such a nice, shady yard so we are having it at their house.  My friend, Jessica made our invitations and banners with her Cricut. She recently opened an etsy store to sell her fabulous creations, so if you are in need of some birthday pretties, check it out here!  She also has pictures of Caroline's banners posted, so you can get an idea of what the decor will be like.  Here is a sneak peek at Caroline's invites:  
They are even cuter in person, if you can imagine that!

I have been working on a few projects for her birthday.  Since it is her first birthday, it is so sentimental (for her momma, at least).  I really wanted to make her something that she would have for years to come.  My mom had some extra John Deere fabric, so I decided to make Caroline a quilt!  Okay, ya'll...  I don't know how to quilt but it doesn't LOOK hard.  I mean, you sew a bunch of squares together, add a little backing, and voila!  A quilt!  Okay, it was a few more steps than that, and ACTUALLY it still isn't finished.  The finishing steps will take all of about 5 minutes but I just haven't got around to doing it yet.  I will post a picture  as soon as it's finished!!!  

We have a busy week ahead of us.  On Thursday, I am hosting a Thirty-One party!  I am so excited.. Really, really excited!  I have been considering becoming a consultant for this company, and when the time is right, it is definitely something I will do.  Thirty-One is a faith-based company that sells totes, and bags, and so many adorable things!  Best of all, they monogram!  If you know me very well, you know how I feel about monogrammed bags...  Probably my favorite thing. Ever.  The girls both got monogrammed overnight bags for Christmas and I just LOVE them.  Anyway, back to the party... If you would like to place an order for this party, you can go here, then click "My Parties" and find my name.  I am so excited about the possibility of joining Thirty-One's team!  It would be a great opportunity to bring in a little extra income, and get out of the house and meet new people at the same time.  At this time, my number one priority is being at home with my family.  I feel like God has led us to this point in our lives and my children need me at home full-time.  However, if I could keep my full-time mommy job and do parties on the side, that would be the best scenario.  I am so thankful that Nathan's job provides us enough so that I can stay at home with the kids.  While it is very much a tiring, never-ending job, it is also a privilege, a blessing, and the most rewarding job.  I am so blessed to be the one watching my children meet every milestone.  Thanks for reading!  

Love, Maegan

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