Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Caroline Turns One

I cannot believe that my baby will be one tomorrow...  This year has just flown by!  It is so hard to imagine what life was like before Caroline was in it!  She has changed our world, all changes for the better.  As a baby, I thought she was so quiet and mellow.  She still is at times, she is very good at playing and entertaining herself.  She feeds herself, soothes herself, she plays well alone.  But there is a whole new side that has really started to show lately!  She is very independent, walking all over the house, and getting into ALL kinds of things.   She is an adventurous baby, for sure!  She will climb on just about anything, which is something Olivia has never done.  It is so amazing to watch their relationship grow.  They are more like sisters, these days.  Fighting over toys and learning how to share together.  I can't wait to watch how they grow over the years, especially with a new sibling joining our family in just a few short weeks.

We celebrated Caroline's birthday over the weekend and it was the PERFECT party.  We decided to keep it just family and close family friends, and it was really great.  We had a John Deere theme, and as I posted before, my friend Jessica made Caroline's invitations and banners.  It was ADORABLE.  I mean, really, really adorable.  I made a precious tutu for Caroline and a matching shirt and bow for both girls to wear to the party.  They weren't too fond of the pre-party pictures, but I did get one good one.  (**When you have multiple children, "one good one" refers to the only one where they are both sort-of looking and smiling.)
I just love this one!  :)

After the pictures, we let the birthday girl lose the tutu and hair bow and we got the party started!  It was a simple party in my parents' back yard, nothing fancy but it was perfect for the birthday girl.  I was so worried about having a party outside in AUGUST, especially with all of the heat waves and record-setting high temps lately, but I am glad we took a chance on it.  The high for that day was 81, and it was sunny and breezy.  Here are some pictures from the party!
Mommy and her girls!
My mom and I wrapped our presents to match the theme, so I had to get a picture! :)
Daddy and the Birthday Girl
 We had all the guests write a message on the frame for Caroline
 Birthday banner and tutu
Close-up of the tutu and bow
 Kennedy, Caroline, and Olivia playing on the quilt
 Caroline's John Deere cake (which was DELICIOUS)
The food table!  We kept it simple, with just hot dogs, chips, and drinks.  
Big sister had to get a little taste, too!

I can't imagine how her dad could have been made any more special!  We are so blessed to have friends and family to share in her special day.  I know there are lots of out of town family members that wish they could have made it, too, but hopefully these pictures and words help to make them feel like they were there!  Thanks for reading!  

Love, Maegan

1 comment:

  1. I love the John Deere theme made girly! I'm glad you guys had a special turning one day!
