Thursday, July 12, 2012

The 4th and More

The last couple of weeks have flown by!  It has been a billion degrees here so we have been doing a lot of "lazy day" indoor activities.  As you know from previous posts, I finally finished our downstairs "homeschool" room.  I picked some things up at yard sales, some on sale sites, and others have been given to us at no cost.  Others have been DIY projects that cost little to nothing to make.  Anyway, our basement is like a real classroom overflowing with educational toys, games, and activities to expand the minds of our children!  It seems like the first few weeks that we had the room all set up we just had one busy day after another.  I was really over-doing things.  We are usually very active during the week, visiting the library, Discovery Playhouse, the park..  I have been trying to fit in all the outings we could before baby time comes.  With three little ones our outings for at least the first month will be on hold, and limited for some time after that while I am recovering and we are all adjusting.  Needless to say, I think I was feeling a little "mommy guilt" and trying to compensate for that by keeping our days busy with summer activities.  I started having contractions a couple of weeks ago, and we slowed things down.  The whole next week we had helpers at our home.  Everyone took shifts!  I don't like to ask for help, and I don't like to be stuck either!  It was certainly a wake-up call. Thankfully, after slowing down on our crazy running around we are all back to our normal routine and the contractions have completely stopped.  Back to the room downstairs, it has come in SO HANDY and they honestly enjoy being at home just as much!  They both get excited to go downstairs and play with the toys and books.  Our kids truly do enjoy educational toys more than anything else.
Olivia using the pegs for counting.  The printable counting sheets can be found here
She loves this more than anything!  It was $8, so I love it too! :)

Caroline is growing and picking up on more and more things daily.  I have such mixed feelings about her 1st birthday that is swiftly approaching...  I am excited because being a ONE YEAR OLD brings so many new milestones, and I guess you could say I am a little sad for the same reason!  She is so hilarious.  I know everyone thinks their baby is hilarious, but really, she is.  She has recently learned to stand in the middle of the floor with no support.  I was able to get a picture of her the second time she did this and I am so glad!  
She was so unsure here!  She is a pro at this now.

She is definitely amused by getting into trouble.  She really is a joy to watch!  I don't understand how someone could be mad at this face.  No, I don't love all of the messes, but I do love watching my children discover new things and explore.  To Caroline, toilet paper isn't just toilet paper.  Toilet paper is some mysterious rolly-thing you can spread all over the floor.  And apparently it tastes good to her, because she likes to sneak into the bathroom and eat some every now and then.  We have finally adjusted our household to shutting the bathroom door at all times.  Good thing her grand-dad has access to free toilet paper.  
"Hey, Mom!"

Just as Olivia's vocabulary is expanding, so is Caroline's.  She is signing more and more things and using motions and sounds to communicate.  We have given her a valuable tool by being able to communicate so young.  She isn't frustrated and when she is ready for her bottle she signs "milk".  When she wants some Cheerios (which is often), she signs "eat".  It is the sweetest thing to be cuddling her on the couch and you can tell she is sleepy and she reaches that little hand out and asks for milk!  I just adore it.  The other day, she was in her high chair having a snack and Nathan went and stood by the pantry.  She signed "eat" and pointed to him, and placed a Cheerio in his hand.  It was precious!  She was sharing her snack, saying, "Here, Dad.  You eat this Cheerio".  It was just so sweet.  She has some crazy moments, too where she just feels like being silly!  
I just love this goofy baby!
She loves her Remy, too!

I really should be doing an update every week!  So much has happened in the past two weeks, it is hard to recall all the sweet things said and done.  We had the best Independence Day celebration.  My brother went with us to Poplar Bluff to visit with Nathan's family.  We all ate too much food and it was a sleepy ride home!  We actually didn't do any fireworks at home, we just ran out of time!  Olivia was so terrified of the fireworks last year that we didn't have much of a celebration.  This year after we got back from Poplar Bluff, we went to see the fireworks display at the park in Jackson. Olivia's reaction was priceless!  She kept saying, "Make a wish and all your dreams will come true!"  I think she may have got that from a Disney commercial, of course. :)  I didn't expect Caroline to care much about the fireworks, but she sat on the blanket in my lap just gazing up at them and reaching her little hands up.  It was perfect.  Neither of them were bothered by the noise, which is shocking because they were LOUD.  It was super hot, and I forgot my camera so the best I have is cell phone pics..  Not impressive, but better than nothing!  

It has been a great summer so far and I am really looking forward to the months ahead.  It is such a blessing to watch our family grow, and the more our family grows and changes, the more I realize just how blessed we are.  I am so thankful that we have healthy, happy children.  I have heard of so many friends lately who are struggling in different ways.  Some are facing health problems and some have children who are suffering from health problems, which is a suffering I do not want to imagine.  It has really opened my eyes to what a blessing we have in our family.  I am so grateful for all of the people in our lives!  We'll update you again soon! 

 ~ Maegan 


  1. I am trying to think of a way that we could make our own peg toy because I think Si would love it. If you have any ideas, with all of your craftiness, let me know! I love the pic of Caroling with Remy!

  2. You could use dowel rods for the pegs! Those would be easy to make! I will come up with something. That "peg game" has entertained Olivia for HOURS. It truly is the simple things that they enjoy.
